anubhai angaldas Securities Pvt. Ltd. Member: BSE - NSE - CDSL

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World Indices
Indices Country Date Current Value Net Change Change (%)
IPC Mexico 13-Feb-2025 54,065.72 614.08 1.15
MerVal Argentina 13-Feb-2025 2,285,847.00 12,279.00 0.54
Nasdaq 100 United States 13-Feb-2025 21,719.26 25.74 0.12
Santiago Ind IPSA Chile 13-Feb-2025 7,282.34 4.30 0.06
Nasdaq United States 13-Feb-2025 19,649.95 6.09 0.03
S&P 100 United States 13-Feb-2025 2,958.76 -2.94 -0.10
S&P 500 United States 13-Feb-2025 6,051.97 -16.53 -0.27
DJIA United States 13-Feb-2025 44,368.56 -225.09 -0.50
Bovespa Brazil 13-Feb-2025 124,380.21 -2,141.45 -1.69
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